Wild Within is a place to connect with some of the last remaining wild and remote parts of our planet and enter into a world of social and ecological discourse through them. New commissions have been developed as a result of a series of residencies across distinct biomes, where artists focus on what it means to be human in our global age, from the Arctic Circle to South and Central American Tropic and Desert regions.
The exhibition seeks to explore the complexities and chaotic systems of natural and cultural diversity and how they connect. By shifting physical and cultural perspectives we are in turn able to reflect anew on our own communities, habitats and ourselves.
Combining more than 50 international artists and working in collaboration with indigenous groups, the purpose of this show is to explore ideas of connection, relationships and interdependence between cities and natural environments.
Works will morph together into one living, breathing organism made up of tactile natural and constructed matter, engulfing printed textures and teleporting sonic compositions, in a variety of conceptual and interdisciplinary outcomes. From revolutionary talks with indigenous leaders of impenetrable tropical forests, to musical improvisations with sounds of the driest mars-like climate on earth - we will unleash the hidden depths and powers of the natural world.
We wish to investigate and articulate the ever pressing importance and correspondence of cultural and natural diversity, for our souls and imaginations, to our health and habitats in light of an environmental crisis that threatens our very existence. To include global perspectives in pursuit of more collective, ecologically and socially conscious ways of being, to build a more sustainable future for all.
Wild Within involved over 50 participants from five continents with interdisciplinary backgrounds working within arts, cultural and environmental contexts:
Sofie Iversen UK/NO, Victor Fernandez CL/CO, Eduardo Munoz CL, Aleyda Rocha MX, Alisa Tanaka King AU, Ane Gry Friis Kristensen DK, Ane Krogseth NO, Anna Torronen SE, Alex Iversen UK, Anousha Payne UK, Amy Leung UK, Camilla Reyman DK, Olivia Kathigitis AU, Eva Ostrowska FR, Hanna Mattes DE, Paula Teller AR, Luz Peuscovich AR, Kevina Jo Smith AU, Maria Von Hauswoolf SE, Mischa de Stroumillo UK, Hannah Rowan UK, Tasha Aulls CA, Maca Yanez CL, Linn Hoseth NO, Annie Grove White UK, Mallory Allen NZ, Brian Cheung AU, Jue Yang CN, Ng Hui Hsien SG, Ryan Meyer US, Wendy Pye UK, Deborah Templeton UK, Constance Walsh US, Jonathan Higgins UK, Sunniva Eira Sætering NO, Andrea Regina Meyer NO, Janne Maria Lysen NO, Merlin Nova UK, Holly Hooper UK, Ignacio Crespo PA, Linda Nowottny DE, Vera Nowottny DE, Stella Cristofolini DE, Gladis Arosemena PA, Megan Bennett CA, Ourania Gavriel CYP, Mira Andres CH, Julio d'Escrivan VE, Paul Bessone CL, Sustainable Hackney, Friends of the Earth (Hackney and Tower Hamlets).