We are an artist-led organisation founded in response to our growing concerns towards the ecological, social and climate-crisis we now face. We curate residency programs that raise awareness about endangered habitats on earth - as places to ignite inspiration, develop ideas and create new works that engage with pressing issues of our time.
We see art as a crucial tool in trying to understand our place as part of nature and our role at this urgent time. Art has the potential to generate critical thinking, present different perspectives and spark necessary dialogue and exchange. We strive to share ideas and knowledge that can help shift perspectives about the natural world and find new paths for the future.
During our residencies creatives explore art, ecology and socio-political themes in a multitude of ways. We want to provide a space where creatives can develop ideas that are grounded in place and territory, but also connect globally with each other as well as with audiences around the world.
Since our first artist-led expedition in 2015 we have worked in Tropic, Arctic and Desert environments across the planet and hosted exhibitions and events internationally that share the outcomes of our work. The artists we work with are driven by their own curiosity, passion, creativity and vision - they come from all over the world but all share a common wish to contribute something positive towards a more sustainable future.